All purchases are agreeable to the terms and conditions listed below as those set out in the standard terms and condition and contract for any artwork produced by The Pretty Little Design Co.
All payments must be made in full via www.theprettylittledesignco.co.uk/premade-covers.
Each pre-made come with the following: x1 high-res eBook, x1 high-res paperback wrap (JPEG and PDF), x1 PNG text lock-up of title and author name.
A Client may upgrade £40 for the following: x1 generic banner, x1 eBook teaser (for preorder setup), x1 Cover Reveal image, and x1 generic branded promo graphic.
You are entitled to changes to text and minor changes to colours, but any additional edits that alter the cover artwork from it's purchased state will be invoiced at a set fee of £120 plus the cost of any additional stock imagery required. This is non-negotiable.
Additional files are available at additional fees.
Additional charges are invoiced.
Prices are non-negotiable.
All premade purchases will expire after 3 years from purchased if not used.
Not all pre-made covers can be made into series. Please check before you make a purchase.
Bookings are not guaranteed, but The Pretty Little Design Co. endeavours to make allowances for pre-made cover continuations where possible.
Clients not permitted to go to other designers with a purchase or design from The Pretty Little Design Co. under any circumstance.
Normal rates apply for series continuations.
Prices are non-negotiable.
Stock images.
Sourced mainly from AdobeStock and Depositphotos
STANDARD licensing only.
The Pretty Little Design Co. endeavours to avoid the use of AI imagery at all cost.
Due to the nature of licensing and intellectual copyright, full payment does not enable the Client to trademark any element of a design they have not created themselves.
The Client acknowledges they cannot alter or edit any part of the design without permission from the Designer under any circumstance.
The Designer still owns the rights to all original artworks in PSD form due to intellectual copyright.
Clients are licensed to use artwork.
PSD files are not sent as part of completed custom work.
All images are licensed using STANDARD licensing only.
Any artwork received by the Client from the Designer is required to be credited to The Pretty Little Design Co., whether on social media, final products, sales platforms and/or the Client’s website.
Cover design © The Pretty Little Design Co.
The Client acknowledges that their approval of a design is final, and therefore takes ownership of the work created between themselves and the Designer.
The Pretty Little Design Co. is not liable for damages of any kind, including loss of revenue, profits, business, reputation, or data, in any way related to our graphic design services.
The Pretty Little Design Co. is not responsible for any claim, loss, or injury based on errors or inaccuracies on our site or our clients’ written documents once the cover has been approved.
The Pretty Little Design Co. is not responsible for printing presses and final printworks.
The Client acknowledges that by placing any payment for package or service by the Designer they are agreeing to not post slanderous or hurtful comments on social media and/or third-party platforms that in any way may affect the Designer’s business.
Any issues must be brought to The Pretty Little Design Co. attention in order to resolve.
Under The Defamation Act of 2013 any posts on social media and/or third party may be liable to legal action and may be fined under this civil law.
Terms and conditions are non-negotiable.
You are also agreeing to all terms set out by The Pretty Little Design Co. for any artwork created.
The agreement is the entire agreement of all parties. No additional promises or conditions, written or oral, apply to the agreement that are not included herein.