What's included?
- High-res eBook cover
- High-res paperback cover
- High-res generic banner
- Transparent title PNGs
- High-res eBook placeholder (FOR USE FOR PREORDERS AND/OR PROMOS)
- PDF wrap of paperback (made to formatted specs for either kdp or ingram spark)
-Includes up to 3 stock images.
No discount if not all are used. Additional will be charged accordingly.
-Additional files are an extra cost.
❗️You may be expected to pay a manipulation fee depending on the type of cover you are after.
Prices are non-negotiable.
Prices will be reviewed June 2024.
DEPOSIT - The Standard Package
Entitles clients to the following:
- High-res eBook cover
- High-res paperback cover
- High-res generic banner
- Transparent title PNGs
- High-res eBook placeholder (FOR USE FOR PREORDERS AND/OR PROMOS)
- PDF wrap of paperback (made to formatted specs for either KDP or Ingram Spark)
Includes up to 3 stock images. No discount if not all are used. Additional will be charged accordingly.
Additional files are an extra cost.
You may be expected to pay a manipulation fee depending on the type of cover you are after.
- This is non-refundable.
- Prices are non-negotiable.
- Please note, some designs require an additional DISCREET FEE OR MANIPULATION FEE to complete.
- You are agreeing to the terms and conditions issued by The Pretty Little Design Co. by paying this deposit.
- This does not guarantee the client to immediate or an actual booking.
- Any payment made before a contract is sent, without a booking, or without prior warning to the designer will not be refunded on transferred.
- Client is responsible for sending relevant information using the design brief provided and email.
All other T&Cs are found at https://www.theprettylittledesignco.co.uk/t-cs-2023
Prices will be reviewed June 2024.
The client may be liable for any additional costs that may occur due to the following reasons:
- Discreet add-on - for object/non-model covers.
- Manipulation Fee - for changes to a models appearance.
- Additonal PDFs for printing.
- Hardback editions
- Foiled editions
- Translated covers
- Additional files. Such as audiobooks or promo graphics.
- Any other add-on listed on the website that are not part of what is listed in either the STANDARD or PREMIUM packages.
For a full list, please look at https://www.theprettylittledesignco.co.uk/2024-author-add-ons
❗️The Pretty Little Design Co. reserves the right to change their add-on listings, prices, and T&Cs as they see fit.